We all know how important content creation is, in fact content creation/content marketing is one of the best ways to build and grow any business that is out there. It is undoubtedly one of the best ways to attract people online, it’s one of the best ways to build relationships with people and to add value to people. Personally, it is my favourite part and what I spend the majority of my time doing. When you look at the internet, if you go on Google, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram or whatever it might be, we all know what it is made up of, nothing but purely CONTENT. Content is what literally makes up the internet. I feel you have to utilize content to attract people and to add value to build relationships with people because that is the best way to do business with people. One thing you have to understand is that people do business with people that they like, they know and the people they trust.
Content is really powerful. You could already be a content creator without acknowledging it, you could be on Facebook, Instagram or any other social media platform where you are posting online no matter what you upload online, you are already creating content. Now the main question is if you are using the content strategically to attract people to build a better relationship or grow your business.
There are different types of content and there are different forms of content. Let us first talk about the different forms of content:

- Video: It is the most popular form of content online right now. If you look at YouTube, Facebook and Instagram they all have video content that is watched and liked by many all over the world.
- Podcasts: Many people like to consume content by listening to a podcast whether they’re at a gym or driving their car etc. This method is popular among people who want to gain knowledge while they can't really sit down and watch a video so they prefer listening to audio based on their interests.
- Blog/Articles: You will find written content everywhere possible. This is because even before audio and video content was popular, written content was the primary medium of creating content. You can find this type of content on social media, blogs or websites like Medium or Quora where people share their stories with the audience.
- Images: These days the most enjoyed content by the public is memes which are mostly pictures. Social media sites like Pinterest, Instagram and Facebook are the most common places you could find pictures/images that showcase different genre of content.

Moving on from the forms of content, there are different types of content that are based on the different forms of content which we discussed above. What we need to understand is that you will see many different types of content that comes in many different forms and the type of content is going to be based on the niche or market that you are in. Based on your likes, you would be interested in a particular topic or niche of content and try to make content for other people who are also interested in the same type of content and would benefit from you.
Most video content ideas could be based on a “How to” type of content. Many YouTubers online post video tutorials titled “How to create content” or “How to make money with affiliate marketing”. Video content can also be a screen recording video explaining a certain topic. Sharing case studies and results based on a niche or experience has become an increasingly liked type of video content by audience these days or an interview where 2 people discuss a certain topic with each other. Humour is one of the most liked types of content that can be uploaded as a video on YouTube.
Interviews, teaching about a certain topic or just ranting on about things is the usual type of content you will find under podcasts.
Writing articles or creating blogs is a very common and important form of content to build an online business. There could be blog posts on your website based on your niche, it could be you sharing experiences in the form of written material, it could involve you providing step-by-step information to your audience or a “How to” type of tutorial in a written format.
Many different types of content for images could be for example inspirational quotes, any picture, artwork, scenery or memes. Posting images can be a very expressive way to showcase your content to your audience because the generation these days is more attracted to images and videos than to articles and blogs.

Many people ask “How do you create content?”, “What is the process to create content?” and “How do you come up with ideas of content to create?”. I feel this should not be an issue because there’s unlimited number of ideas available for you to create content in an online business. Let me share with you few ways you could gather ideas to create content.
- Look and find what people are searching for online. Google and YouTube are the best platforms that can tell you what different people are searching for online. Both Google and YouTube are search engines which basically means when people search on these platforms what they are doing is they are typing in keywords to get certain results. With the help of some research, we can determine which keywords are more popular compared to the other and also the search volume for those keyword phrases. Let me share an example to help you understand better, you can go to any keyword research tools online such as SEMrush, Ubersuggest, Google trends, Google Keywords planner and etc, where you can put in a keyword phrase and it will give you different suggestions for keyword phrases that people are searching online as well as the total number of searches that people are searching for every month for that keyword you typed in. For instance, if you search for a keyword like “How to make content online” the tool will give you exactly how popular that phrase is and suggestions of keywords like that which you can use to go ahead and create content. You should make sure to use search engine optimization while creating content as it is the most important way to target your keyword specific audience. Optimizing your content will help people find your content easier and benefit from your content. Also, it is the best way to grow your content and reach more people organically.
- By looking at what content people are consuming in the niche and market that you are in. If you are in the self-development or motivation niche then you should be looking out for people in your niche. You should follow the people who have already made it big in that niche and just observe what content they are creating. You can always look out for their most engaged and popular content is. All of this is so easily available on the internet but make sure to never copy others content and give credit to the people from whom you’ve taken content.
- As you gain more followers by regularly posting content online, you will notice your follower will ask you to create content. They will ask you to create content around something specific and provide you with ideas and suggestions, basically asking for your help to solve their problems. This is the best way to get ideas to create content as this makes sure you will never run out of any ideas as your followers are going to provide you with ideas.

In the process of content creation, you should learn to be creative and express yourself in different ways. This is important because it will show your audience what kind of a person you are and what really are your intentions in publishing such content. In today's world anyone can get content from anyone and anywhere but people relate and connect to different people which is why you need to personalize your content by sharing your own stories and experiences with your audience to provide nothing but great value and positivity.